
Digital Tools To Engage Students


In this era, technology is literally everywhere and learners adapt to it more than anyone else and it is absolutely natural to use technology in every aspect of their lives. This is why digital tools in the classroom are becoming more and more crucial.

The traditional methods of teaching are already going through a transformation. Using technology for education nowadays give rise to student’s curiosity, boost their engagement and leads to better learning and comprehension.

We have selected a few digital tools for the classroom which will give educators more ways to bring hands-0n learning to the classroom.



Scratch is a fun, simple and engaging introduction to programming. Learners can create a project by combining music, graphics, and photos to create interactive games, animations, and slideshows. Scratch is definitely one of the digital tools for the classroom you have to introduce them to. This program would give the little ones a brilliant start to make them think in an innovative and creative way.



Prezi is a digital software for creating interactive presentations. According to Prezi, “creating, giving, and tracking beautiful interactive presentations is as easy as 1,2,3” with their cloud-based presentation software. Presentations made with Prezi are more effective, engaging compared with the ones made with PowerPoint.



Google Classroom is a powerful community based social tool for learning. It allows students to post questions and receive answers from their teachers and fellow students. Furthermore, teachers can post questions and lesson materials for review at home. It can also be integrated with other Google products such as Google Forms, which can be a great way to get feedback from students.


Pixton is a digital tool for classrooms that boost learners’ visual thinking and creativity while it engages them to the fullest. This tool allows learners to make comics and storyboards. This activity can be both educational and fun. A perfect tool to boost the students’ imagination!



Quizlet is an app that can come in very handy for students of all ages. By using flashcards, games and more fun activities, Quizlet allows students to learn a subject and assess themselves. Everyone can create their own study set or choose an already existing study set. Quizlet even lets you study on the go, so students can learn and test their knowledge from literally everywhere.

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