
How Technology Has Improved Education

Educational Technology (EDTech) has proven to be a helpful tool. Technology-based projects have inspired students to think and collaborate as opposed to memorizing, whether they’re using the web for research or to correspond with other students or experts who are not physically present. Education doesn’t stop toward the finish of the school day. Students can […]

6 Exciting EdTech Trends Of 2019

Every year, the number of EdTech tools for the classroom grows. That’s because educators who embrace technology get an edge. Today’s classroom technology helps inspire, engage, and motive students. But the real value of EdTech is in personalizing learning for every student. For years now, the major goal for education has been to match students with […]

The Role of Educators in the EdTech Ecosystem

Educators often lack participatory roles and responsibilities in the edtech ecosystem and assume consumptive roles with little agency. For example, classroom educators have felt edtech developers and school/district purchasing processes do not consider teachers’ and students’ individual educational needs. In many cases, the purchasing customer is not the end user, meaning the individual teachers and […]