
How to design, develop, and deploy a chatbot entirely in the cloud

It all started with a YouTube video I recorded few months back. In it, I talked about the importance of deliberate revision. This helps you retain things in your mind for a longer period of time, and gives you techniques to revise important projects. If you haven’t, please watch it here. In the video, I talked about how […]

Can tech ever really be neutral?

This article is part of the Sustainable Development Impact Summit It’s time for a tech renaissance. It’s time for us to bring morality, virtues and our humanity back into how we build things to help uplift the human experience. Here’s what Matthew Prince, Co-Founder & CEO of Cloudflare had to say about the way internet […]

What is digital understanding?

Digital understanding is the ability both to use technology and to comprehend, in real terms, the impact that it has on our lives. It’s not the same as digital skills. Digital skills mean we can perform a task. Digital understanding means we not only know the reason for a task and its potential consequences, but […]

‘Bridges & Walls in STEM’: An International Girls in ICT Day Event

The world of ICT is heavily male dominated and more often than not, women are found doing low level, low-skilled jobs in the field. It has been predicted that by 2020, there will be the creation of about 1.4 million I.T jobs in the United States and around the same time, Canada is expected to […]

All About Drones In Photography

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum libero dui eu lacus. Nam lobortis facilisis sapien non aliquet. Aenean ligula urna, vehicula placerat sodales vel, tempor et orci. Donec molestie metus a sagittis condimentum. Duis vulputate lectus massa, vel viverra sem interdum sit […]

Best Beautifully Designed Tech You Can Buy Today

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum libero dui eu lacus. Nam lobortis facilisis sapien non aliquet. Aenean ligula urna, vehicula placerat sodales vel, tempor et orci. Donec molestie metus a sagittis condimentum. Duis vulputate lectus massa, vel viverra sem interdum sit […]