
The Agency’s ‘Know It Prove It’ Challenge

Accepting the Know it. Prove it. challenge gets you into The Agency, an organization of technological masterminds who use their skills for good.The Agency’s doors —and challenges — are open to developers, data pros, and students, all of whom can pick up valuable skills quickly through video tutorials, assessments, and more.
The challenges run from April 18 through May 17, 2017.

Get started, select a challenge:-

  • Game Development
    Game Development
    Take a close look at game development, and get started with professional tools you can use to create games for mobile and PC.
  • Building Apps with Xamarin
    Apps Development
    Start creating native Android, iOS, and Windows apps with a single shared C# code base. Plus, get familiar with the Azure Mobile App environment. 
  • Build Intelligence into Your Apps
    Build Apps with Intelligence
    Get hands-on with the tools you need for building intelligence into your apps with three real-world examples using Cognitive Services and Machine Learning.
  • Web Development for Beginners
    Web Development for Beginners
    As a beginner, get an overview of basic web development concepts and the technology landscape and then explore the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Azure for IT Pros
    Azure for IT Pros
    As a current IT Professional, get up-to-speed on the infrastructure features of Microsoft Azure.
  • IT Pro Fundamentals
    IT Pro Fundamentals
    Complete this challenge to get started on the path to becoming an IT Pro, managing networks and keeping them secure.
The Agency loves riddles, games, and puzzles. Look for hidden messages from your fellow Agents in Agency communications!
Know it. Prove it. Challenge Badges for Azure for IT Pros, IT Pro Fundamentals, Build Intelligent apps, and Building Apps with Xamarin
Complete these courses, earn exclusive badges to show off your skills. Sign up for one, two, or any of the paths you like. The Know it. Prove it. challenges include the ability to track your own progress on your MVA (Microsoft Virtual Academy) dashboard. If you complete a course before the challenge begins, that achievement is reflected on your dashboard. Find out, at a glance, what you have already accomplished and which courses you have left. Each badge you earn represents proof of completion. To earn a badge, challenges must be completed during the Agency games from April 18 to May 17, 2017!

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